mardi 4 juillet 2017

Repairs Need help with the Transaxle repairs on a 2003 Dixon ZTR 4223

Can anyone help please

I new at this so I hope this works, today the 4th of July is my 60th birthday and I'm trying to fix my mower. it would be nice if some can out me and tell me what the measurement is, so I can make a gauge, I would like to complete the bench setting on my 2003 Dixion Zero turning ZTR 4223 riding lawn mower, I'm trying to bench set the Rubber Spring on the transaxle? In the manual it tell you to use a gauge that I do not have, can you please tell me how to do it without the gauge? Or send me the

Repairs Need help with the Transaxle repairs on a 2003 Dixon ZTR 4223

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